Juneau, Alaska
More than just the most beautiful State Capital in the United States, Juneau is a glimpse into untamed lands and sheer, pristine beauty. While in Juneau, prepare to be inspired by the natural world like never before. I’ve always loved marine life and even considered a career in marine biology for awhile. Here I can see Humpback whales, sea lions and even bald eagles in their natural environment. No zoo, no Sea World – I can see them where they live and it’s just amazing. Another thing I love is snow – and Juneau is home to the Mendenhall Glacier – an epically large glacier located in the Tongass National Forest. I’m inspired by how clean and crisp I feel in this port – the inspiration covers you like a new fallen snow here.
Key West, Florida
I fell in love with this charming, enchanting island the minute I stepped off the Carnival Sunshine. Really – what’s not to love? There are so many ways this island can inspire you: amazing weather, sparkling water, succulent food, world-famous drinks, historical sites and classic architecture. It’s easy to see why Hemmingway wrote most of his classics here. I can just picture him writing in his office, sun streaming in through the window, stunning views and a cat sprawled out on his desk. It sounds like a writer’s dream to me! There’s something for everyone here who’s looking for a dose of inspiration.
Quebec City, Quebec
Quaint, charming, old world glamour. This city exudes uniqueness and inspiration. Château Frontenac is the world’s most photographed hotel; imagine the stories here. The fortified city walls give new meaning to if the walls could talk. The stunning views at Montgomery Falls Park – home to a 272-foot high waterfall. Even the creators of Disney’s Frozen found inspiration here: the ice hotel – Hotel De Glace – is created every year from ice and with a unique theme. Last year the hotel even featured a special Frozen-themed room.
Venice, Italy
There’s no limit to the number of ports and places that provide inspiration in Europe. But when I was making this list, I knew it had to be Venice. I first experienced Venice while watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and was instantly smitten. I finally got to experience the majesty of this city a few years ago when we sailed from the port of Venice on the inaugural sailing of the Carnival Magic. Water’s always been inspiring and calming to me, so a city pretty much built on water was like heaven to me. The narrow cobblestone streets and walkways, the bridges, the buildings, the grandeur, the romance, the gondolas, the churches; it was all magnificent. If I could have spent the whole cruise in Venice, I think I might have. Oh, and yes I absolutely went to find the church from Indiana Jones.
San Juan, Puerto Rico
This truly isn’t one of my favorite Caribbean ports, but I still find it be incredibly inspirational and even magical. The two forts on the island are not only visually stunning, but you can explore them and let your imagination run wild. The views entering and leaving this island port are also some of the best you’ll find in the world. Water crashing on the rocks below the cliff top fort – it’s simply stunning. Old San Juan is just so much fun to explore and walk through. All the colors and Spanish influence make for some beautiful spaces. The ultimate inspiration? Seeing San Juan at night by kayaking through the mangrove channel with only the bioluminescent organisms and stars to light your way. That’s a truly magical experience.
By Sarah Phillips
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