The second installment of IT&CM India kicked off with international and domestic MICE professionals across various regions of India congregating to explore business, education and networking opportunities during the next 3 days.
The 2014 edition of the leading international MICE event in India showcased its new exhibition format with 22 exhibitors representing international CVBs/ NTOs and corporates. Some 120 buyer delegates hailing from 17 countries with Indian buyers dominated the buying contingent. Leading Indian corporate, incentives and association buyers from Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai were in talks with exhibiting delegates representing Banyan Tree, Busan Metropolitan City, ITC Hotels, Sapporo Convention Bureau, Taj Group, Dubai, Japan National Tourism Organisation, Creative Travels, and Travelite, to name a few.
The high adoption rate of TTG Events Online Diary facility which has already seen success at sister events – IT&CM China and IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific, attests to the quality exhibitors/buyers mix at IT&CM India. This initiative enabled delegates to complete up to 100% of their business appointments before their arrival in Delhi. The Pre-Scheduled Appointments (PSA) facility matched up to 60% of exhibitor-buyer meeting requests, while the remaining 40% was scheduled via the Online Diary facility.
Anasri Onn, Director of Sales of ParkRoyal on Kitchener Road, Singapore enthused on the effectiveness of the Online Diary, “We already have 96% appointments scheduled way before the event has commenced. It was really easy to use and allowed us to review and update our on-site business schedule at any time.”
Almost all exhibitors have achieved up to 95% scheduled appointments before the event is due to commence, with many prepared to take up more business appointments during the Buyers-and-Sellers Appointment Scheduling Session.
Ooi Peng Ee, General Manager of TTG Events said, “The adoption rate of the Online Diary has again proven how beneficial this feature is for delegates. We are pleased with the positive results we are witnessing at IT&CM India. They demonstrate the intensive efforts the show organisers have put into ensuring delegates can justify their ROI ahead of the event, and have greater control over their appointment schedules.”
Mariko Ogi, Director of Sapporo Convention Bureau, Japan, affirmed the usefulness of the Online Diary, “It has been very helpful to see our schedule beforehand and know who are the buyers interested in meeting with us. It also allowed us to plan and prepare our schedule accordingly so we are able to fully maximize our time at the event.
In addition, city tours organised by Travelite (India) and networking sessions will take place over the next two days. The inaugural Association Day and Corporate Performance Forums programme, in collaboration with KW Conferences – India’s first accredited Professional Conference Organiser – is slated to open on 20 and 21 August 2014 respectively.