On Mar 5, 2025, the European Commission announced its decision regarding the future of Schiphol Airport. In this decision, the European Commission raises several concerns about the submitted package aimed at reducing noise pollution for residents around Schiphol. It is clear from this decision that capacity reduction at Schiphol Airport should not be the goal in itself. The focus should be on achieving the government's noise reduction targets, which KLM supports. In the "Cleaner, quieter, more efficient" program, KLM is taking measures to achieve this goal. The decision indicates that these measures need to be better considered.
The European Commission states in its recommendations that the new fleet, in which KLM is investing billions, contributes to achieving the noise reduction target and should therefore be included. This means that a reduction in size is unnecessary. Furthermore, the Commission states that the impact of operational measures and general aviation has not been properly considered.
We expect the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to take the European Commission's decision to heart and follow the recommendations before implementing capacity restrictions. This way, the sector retains a future perspective while maintaining a balance with the environment, keeping the Netherlands connected to the rest of the world.
Due to the extensive network of flight destinations, the Netherlands is one of the best-connected countries in the world. This is crucial as our economy relies on international trade. National measures have a direct impact on the position of KLM and the Netherlands, especially now that surrounding countries in Europe are discussing the expansion of their airports. What is dismantled now cannot be regained.
Tags: European Commission, KLM