Among the venues competing in the competition, 158 won three stars, 106 won two and 54 venues earned one Meeting Star. A further 29 received the so-called Green Meeting Stars. This year, the competition was enriched by 43 new hotels and convention centres and 5 new destinations. |
| | Altogether, 318 certificates were awarded for the 2024/2025 season. Since the start of the evaluation, we have evaluated 652 hotels and 49 convention centres. Only 45% were awarded the certificate of excellence. |
| | The founding father of the methodology, Gorazd Čad, explained: “Our evaluation is, above all, a tool to improve the competitiveness of individual destinations. It offers destinations an external view of their offer to drive constant growth and help destinations achieve excellence. Destinations use our methodology predominantly because they wish to become or stay competitive worldwide.” | |
The Meetings Star Award competition recognises winners in 2025List through the best destinations, hotels and influencers in 2025 |
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| | The new stars were awarded in three main categories: | A. Best Meeting Destinations in 2024/2025Among 134 destinations that cooperated, the winners were announced in four destination categories (XL, L, M and S destinations) and a special regional category “Best in New Europe”. | B. Best Meeting Hotels and Convention Centres in 2024/2025Among 315 certified hotels from 21 countries of New Europe, the winners were announced in five categories (city, resort, spa, boutique hotels and convention centres). | C. Influencers of the meetings industry in 2024/2025The influencers within the meetings industry were selected among 283 nominees from 24 countries. | | NOVELTY IN 2025 – ONLINE CATALOGUE OF MEETING STARS
We will publish an exclusive online catalogue by the end of March 2025, which will include information about the award recipients, insightful interviews, and reasons why they are trustworthy business partners. |