
Σάββατο 26 Οκτωβρίου 2013


The U.S. Department of Commerce  announced that 5.6 million international visitors traveled to the United States in April 2013, a two percent decrease over April 2012. In April 2013, the top inbound markets continued to be Canada and Mexico. Non-resident visits from Canada were flat while visits from Mexico decreased 11 percent. The United Kingdom (-2.0%), Japan (-0.3%) and France (-2.9%) rounded out the top five. Six of the inbound overseas regional markets posted increases in non-resident visits in April 2013. Four of those regions posted double-digit increases.
Part of the decrease in international visitation in April 2013 was expected since the Easter/Passover holidays occurred on March 31 in 2013 compared to April 8 in 2012.
For the first four months of 2013, international visits (20.6 million) were up 4.2 percent compared to the same period in 2012.
Top 10 Countries
  • In April 2013, five of the top 10 countries posted increases in non-resident visits.
  • During the first four months of 2013, six of the top 10 countries (sort based on April 2013) posted increases in non-resident visits to the United States.
Top 10 Countries (Sort based on April 2013)
Country of Residence% Change April
2013 vs. 20112
% Change YTD April
2013 vs. 2012
  United Kingdom-2%-1%
  People's Republic of China (EXCL HK)13%24%
  South Korea4%4%
Non-Resident Visits from Overseas Countries
  • In April 2013, non-resident visits from overseas countries (2.4 million) were up two percent over April 2012, accounting for 43 percent of total international visits to the United States.
  • During the first four months of 2013, non-resident visits from overseas countries (9.0 million) were up seven percent compared to the same period of 2012, accounting for 44 percent of total international visits.
Top Ports: YTD April 2013
YTD April 2013, visitation through the top 15 ports of entry accounted for 85 percent of all overseas visits-the same as last year. The top three ports (New York, Miami and Los Angeles) accounted for 41 percent of all overseas arrivals, almost half of a percentage point more than last year. Fourteen of the top 15 ports posted increases in arrivals during the first four months of 2013. Three of these ports posted double-digit increases.