
Τετάρτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Industry-wide air traffic control event proceeds in the face of government shutdown.

ALEXANDRIA, VA. - As the government shutdown continues, the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA)'s 58th Annual remains open for business and will provide industry leaders with the tools they need to shape the future of ATC and aviation. The Conference and Exposition – the largest air traffic control event in the Americas – will move forward October 20–23.

"These are challenging times, but challenges provide opportunities," said Peter F. Dumont, President and CEO of ATCA. "ATCA's been delivering a place for the air traffic community to come together for 58 years, and there is no better time than now to do that. We will continue to deliver a top quality conference and exhibition to our members and serve an industry that doesn't shut down."

With constant growth and debate on the National Airspace System (NAS), dialogue and panelists at ATCA will focus on how to tangibly achieve future aviation goals. Conference programming includes sequestration and its impact on aviation, ATC corporatization, and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).

Scheduled participants consist of the Federal Aviation Administration, Raytheon, SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) Joint Undertaking, the U.S. Department of Defense, Red Hat Inc., National Air Traffic Controllers Association, The Boeing Company, Airbus, and others.

"Each year, Metron Aviation is eager to attend and exhibit at ATCA's Annual Conference. The quality of people, panel discussions, and educational seminars are outstanding," said Rick Ducharme, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Metron Aviation. "We use this time to meet with as many people as possible, all in one place."

On the Exhibit Hall floor, ATCA offers new ATC technology, recent research findings, and networking events with exhibiting organizations on 75,000 square feet of Exhibit Hall floor space.

The event culminates in one of air traffic's most prestigious honors – the Glen A. Gilbert Memorial Award Banquet. A large international contingent will recognize this year's recipient, Patrick Ky, for his accomplishments in aviation